Ron Johnson Complains to Maria Bartiromo About Biden Immigration Policy, Adds ‘I’m Not Xenophobic, I’m Not Racist’ | Video

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo and Sen. Ron Johnson joined together Sunday to examine President Joe Biden’s immigration policy and a group of voters that they believe “want a new world order” that includes a borderless United States. Johnson agreed with Bartiromo’s view and and told her that the current policy will “destroy our country.”

He insisted, “I’m not xenophobic, I’m not racist. I actually want a robust legal immigration system so people coming into this country can work and do it in the aboveground economy, not the underground economy — not be exploited by the human traffickers, the sex traffickers.”

At the beginning of their conversation, the pair worried that “an average of 10-11,000” people have entered the U.S. each day. Bartiromo said, “I guess there’s a population out there who want this. They want a new world order. They want to fundamentally change America.”

“Yeah, they want global governance, they want no borders, they certainly want people to come into this country to probably destroy it. So I guess we level the playing field with the rest of the world,” Johnson said.

Bartiromo asked Johnson if reports that people migrating to the U.S. receive cell phones from the federal government are true. She said, “There are lots of reports that we issue them cell phones, in addition, obviously, to food stamps and housing. But why are we giving them cell phones? And do you know that to be true?”

Donald Trump Maria Bartiromo

The senator appeared unsure. He answered, “You’d have to ask — I think that is true. You know, obviously, we’re paying for their planes and bus rides all over this country. We don’t keep track of where where they are.”

Unwilling to let the subject go, Bartiromo pressed on: “I mean, is that the point of giving a cell phone, to track where they are? That’s what I’m asking. Why give them the cell phone?”

For Johnson, the source of the cell phones is not as much of a concern as what could be done with them. As he put it, “Once they have those cell phones, if they brought them in or they’re given them, they start calling down to family members, and just more and more people come, because that’s reality.”

In May, the Associated Press debunked the claim that migrants who cross the border illegally are given phones by the U.S. government. While some immigrants do receive phones from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, those phones are only able to access SmartLink, a monitoring app.

Additionally, the phones cannot access the internet or make unauthorized phone calls. SmartLink is the only app the phones can download and use.

Watch the interview with Johnson and Bartiromo in the video above.

fox news Abby Grossberg

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